About Us
School Bus Sales Co.
4537 Texas St.
Waterloo, IA 50704
School Bus Sales Company was started in the late 1950's in Waterloo, Iowa, specializing in the sale and servicing of buses to Iowa's public and parochial schools. The company was purchased in 1981 by twenty-five year old entrepreneur Charles Andrews, who has spearheaded the expansion of the business into a multi-divisional operation.
School buses still comprise the largest share of the company's business. School Bus Sales supplies more than 50% of the buses purchased by Iowa schools. The company is also a major provider of bus parts, service and repair. In 1997, Andrews built a major addition to his shop, including a state-of-the-art paint booth to accommodate larger vehicles.
In addition to servicing school buses, School Bus Sales has a well-equipped facility and experienced work force to paint, repair or provide parts for commercial trucks of all sizes.
In 1996, School Bus Sales Co. added another division to its operations. With the increasing demands for accessible equipment in buses, Charles Andrews decided to form Cedar Valley Mobility.
CVM is a home health care store that provides medical equipment and supplies that help people achieve greater independence in their everyday lives. The line of products range from daily assisted living items, to mobility products, such as wheelchairs and scooters, to home and vehicle modifications.